Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Niña

We had a fantastic time during the week at the Festival of Sail, and so did a lot of other people! There are some fantastic photos and a great video of the Parade up at Yachtpals. Favorite part of the parade? The cannon fire. The boom of cannon on the Bay is always delightful. We were watching in front of the Firehouse at Fort Mason Center, and the wind was just right so that the smoke emerged from behind the end of the pier before the Bounty in all her glory.
Cedric loved his visit to the Niña with Fergus. The crew was so friendly and knowledgeable, and very patient with their smallest visitors. They loved exploring the model:

And were so surprised that the ship was so small (the full-sized ship, that is, not the model. Although the model was a tiny miracle of craftsmanship.). It's hard to imagine sailing across the Atlantic in it, but if you're curious, check out the crew application at their website.

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